How did you decide on high price vs affordable? Was it do with the kinds of customers or something like that ?

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for the pricing, I started with just one. And this one price is catered to all kinds of customers, be it solopreneurs or enterprise.

For the exact figure, I used the profit projection template (for subscribers only: sent to you in second email) to include all my costs, operations (esp hiring), marketing (esp if you do adverts).

With that I add at least 50% profit margin, that will be the pricing to everyone across the board.

If you us the template, you can calculate and project how much you can make with 1 client, 10, to 100 clients in a month. This can help you see if your per client pricing is what you want to set.

Bear in mind, this is just numbers, assuming your service product is of value and quality to your clients (product market fit).

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Thanks for breaking it down to a science, makes it so much clearer how to make it work.

I think I made my first comment before you sent that bonus, but it's great, thank you so much.

Yeah, I understand, I will work on adding value for my customers 😁

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I am not at this stage yet but I am at the stage of gathering information on what pain points customers have to I can get a sense of which service I should productize. I’m saving this post as a step by step guideline I can look back to when I embark on the productization stage but reading this is already giving me a better understanding of what I can start thinking about to be better prepared for the next step.

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