This is a great analysis, the people you work with can make a project really rewarding or an absolute nightmare

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oh yes, and sometimes it can be hard to tell, gut feeling can be a good indicator for me.

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Yeah that makes sense, whenever I have ignored red flags, it has come back to bite me

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Thank you for sharing this insightful article, Marilyn.

Your point about selecting the right people to work with is spot on. Just as it's easier for us to sustain effort towards our own goals when we're aligned with them, the same principle applies to our collaborators and customers. This alignment not only makes the work easier but also more fulfilling.

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thanks for reading, Rohan! You are right about collabs and partners, suppliers, etc. Same with team members, co-founders, we are all people and we have our strengths, quirks and antics. The right mix is the one that makes the magic.

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